Hats & Scarves 
First, I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard and diligently on the hats and scarves! We are at our goal for Jireh Sports! Thank you so much! I know there’s just a few people who are finishing up some hats & scarves; please put them in the HD Creative donation box by December 4th. Thank you! If you have or want to make some additional hats & scarves for the women at Wheeler Mission, that would be great! I will be getting them to Wheeler after our December Workshop.
Creative Workshop
Our next Creative Workshop will be on December 14th from 9:30 to 2:00 pm. We will be making small stockings for the children at Wheeler. We have some fabric, and if you would like to bring some additional fabric, that would be great! Bring your sewing machines and red, green, blue, navy and white thread (and other colors you may need).
Please remember that regardless of the ‘theme’ of a particular meeting, please do come and be a part of the social time. We want you there to enjoy the fellowship! So, you may work on the stockings, or any other project you would like. We have several projects that are ongoing, and you’re welcome to work on any of those.
January is One Year for HD Creative!!
As we come up on our one year anniversary, we look back on what we have learned! We as a team are reassessing what we can do, and what we can’t do. So please ‘stay tuned’ for further information! We want everyone to thoroughly enjoy what you’re doing. We will definitely be continuing with teaching, and will modify timing of projects to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules.