Jireh Sports & Wheeler Mission Numbers

I’ve had quite a few hats/scarves turned in this week – thank you for all your hard work!!    I know there are a couple people who are finishing some hats & scarves, which have already been counted.   Please email me with your final numbers, grade & gender included.IMG_0827-web

Here’s the numbers for Jireh Sports that we still need:

Boys grades 1-3: we need 1 more hat & scarf set
Boys grades 4-6: we need 2 more hat & scarf sets
Boys Jr/Sr high: we need 5 more hats

Girls: we’re done!

Remember, we need to have all the hats & scarves turned in by Dec. 4th or 5th at the absolute latest!  We have the Wrapping Party on Dec. 8th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm, wrapping paper, tape and lunch provided.  Please RSVP if you are attending.

Here’s the numbers for Wheeler Mission that we still need:

Some more hat & scarf sets.   We don’t need a specific number, but it would be good if we have some more.  If you would like to make some fleece ones, I have more fleece, especially for women.  If you would like to complete sets by making a knit/crochet hat or scarf coordinating with ones that we already have, please email me.

BTW, please check out the Gallery page for more pics!  New ones have been added recently!


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Psalm 90:17

    May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.