We Need Your Ideas!

We need your ideas!  At our January meeting, we will be brainstorming!  Where do we want this group to be?
We are not having a Lesson this month, but please do bring something to work on.  We are having a Pitch-In, and will chat over lunch, so bring whatever you love to make!  We will be meeting on January 9th, from 9:30am to 2:00pm.
We want to focus on projects that match the passions of the members of the group.  We’ll be reviewing and re-evaluating all of our projects, matching what our members enjoy making with the outreaches we will be supporting.  Some like bookmarks, some quilts & blankets, or hats & scarves, and still others have a passion for tote bags & pillowcases.  The social/fellowship aspect of this group is very important, as well as giving of ourselves to others, and we never want to lose sight of that.Bring ideas on new projects or outreaches for 2016.  Do you know of a need that is not being filled?  Is there a charity with a special or specific request?  Please bring any information you have to the meeting.   Maybe there is something you would like to make or learn how to make.   Bring a sample with you, or bring a picture (a picture paints a thousand words).The meeting will be fun and invigorating!  Look forward to seeing you there!

Posted in Crafting Workshop

Psalm 90:17

    May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.