Blog Archives

Bonus Project – Cards!

I’m so glad we’re having some slightly cooler weather!  Fall breezes are so welcome!

We’re meeting on Saturday, October 8th from 9:30 to 12:30.  Our Bonus Project is making cards for Sisters in Service!  Please come even if you’re not making cards, and work on another project such as a blanket or pillowcase!

If you have any completed blankets, pillowcases, etc, please bring them on Saturday, and we will be distributing them within a week.  We want to be able to help and encourage people by sharing our love through sharing our handcrafted items!

Updated information for pillowcases and tote bags for Wheeler Mission: we can donate them anytime, no matter how many we have.  They will distribute them to the ladies as they are available.  So you may work on them throughout the Year and there is no ‘deadline’!

Thank you to all who donated to the IDES Fall Harvest of Talents fund raiser!  Plus, I know that there were others things donated prior to this!  We have such a talented group of ladies!  Here is a picture of what was donated last month:   101-web


Blankets Galore!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Summer!

Haven’t we been having fun with the new projects?  I know there are several people at work crocheting the plarn mats.  Thank you to everyone who has donated bags, and helped cut them up for our energetic crocheters!

We will meet from 9:30am to 2:00pm on Saturday, July 9th, and remember to bring all of your supplies, and your lunch!

Coming Up:

Here’s some optional opportunities.  These won’t be formal ‘lessons’, but if you would like help with them, please ask!  There are several people who know how to make them!  We can work side-by-side with you if you desire.  As always, please work on whatever project you would like; these are just suggested if you would like ideas.  Your creativity is wonderful, and we encourage you to explore!  I love the ideas everyone has!

Coming up over the next few months we’ll be diving into ways of helping you make blankets!

In August, we’ll have written instructions and the tools needed to make fleece blankets.  You can bring your own fleece, plus we’ll have some fleece squared up and ready to go.

In September, we’ll have different ways to make quilts using 2.5″ strips.  You can use a precut jelly roll, or cut your own 2.5″ strips!  We will also have some 2.5″ strips cut, all ready to sew.   We will be providing patterns for several different quilts.  I never realized how many different quilts you could make with 2.5″ strips!

These can also be more scrappy – if you would like, you can bring your 2.5″ strips, share with others, and make it even more scrappy!  Bonnie Hunter does all scrappy quilts, and hers are just beautiful!  Take a look at her website: Quiltville, where she also has lots of free patterns.  If you go down the page about 2/3 of the way, you’ll see the Scrappy Mountain Majesty quilt we did last year.  She also has a Facebook page: Quiltville’s Open Studio, where she shares tidbits, and many people post their projects and questions.  I sometimes ‘lose’ myself on her FB page and website, but they’re stock full of fun ideas!




So God Made A Quilter

This is so cool! But I think a crocheter, or knitter, or card maker, or scapbooker, or woodcrafter, etc… is just as applicable! We each have that creative gift that God has given us, and are eager to share it with others. Thank you to all my crafty friends who share their gifts!

Come join us for our next Crafting Workshop on June 11th, from 9:30am to 2:00pm.  Whatever craft you do is welcome!  We have fleece for easy, quick, no-sew blankets.  There will be more plastic bags to cut up for ‘plarn’, for making mats for the homeless.  Come share your creativity, and the gifts that God has blessed you with!  Don’t forget to bring your lunch!

Crafters and Non-Crafters!

Life is full of opportunities to be flexible, isn’t it?

Our next Hand Crafting day will be MAY 21.

This is NOT the second weekend. So mark your calendars and join us for a fun time!
We meet from 9:30 to 2 or until you need to leave. Bring your lunch if you want to stay and eat.

We have tasks for “NON- CRAFTERS”. In addition to our handwork people, we welcome everyone who does NOT sew, knit or crochet. You can help with the fleece or the plastic mats.

We have a ton of fleece to make into blankets (no sewing required!)

Secondly, we are hoping to start making plastic mats for the homeless. They are made out of PLARN which is a cute name for ‘yarn’ made from plastic shopping bags. Each mat takes 700 bags, SO, we could use your bags AND your help.
1. We need people to fold and flatten the bags
2. ‘Snippers’ for cutting strips — make 4 cuts to each bag to get strips
3. ‘Loopers’ —- looping the strips together to get ready for crocheting
4. Crocheters with an N or P hook – to crochet the mats

See, we really do need EVERYONE’S help!

Hope to see you on the 21st!

Cards, Brunch & Creativity!

Hello Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the nice, warm and sunny days we’ve had lately!

For our April Crafting Workshop, people who are signed up will be making cards for Sisters in Service. This is our first “bonus” project for a specific donation.  Our “foundation” projects will continue to be blankets and pillowcases for charity.   Not everyone is doing cards, but please do join us, and you may bring anything else to work on.

As we did last month, we will have a devotional and brunch (tea, juice, casserole, fruit and coffee cake).  This is not a pitch – in but a few people have offered to bring breakfast food for the group, so refreshments are taken care of.  If you did not sign up that is OK,  as we did not intend for everyone to bring something.  Join the fun and fellowship, work on your project, and if you have a donation, you may bring it for show-and-tell.

We will be meeting from 9:30am to 2:00pm.  From 9:30 to 10:00, we will have devotions, announcements, prayer requests and sharing of projects ready to be donated; at 10:00, we will have our brunch.  Then feel free to fellowship and work on your projects.

If you want to know how to make something, please ask, we have so many talented ladies.  For those who would like to try a fleece blanket, there will be fleece squared-up and ready to fringe, along with several pairs of scissors for you to use.

Let’s get together, have fellowship and fun, and serve Jesus!

Fellowship and Fun!

We have a new format for our Crafting Workshop: we will get together and fellowship; our “foundation” projects will be blankets and pillowcases for charity.  Fellowship is very important, using your hands to shine for Jesus while you make your blankets and pillowcases.  Occasionally we will have “bonus” projects to fill a specific request – for example, in April, if you choose, you can make cards for Sisters in Service.

We’ll be kicking off our new format on March 5th with a devotional and light breakfast refreshment (tea, juice, casserole, fruit and coffee cake).  Bring your favorite project to work on, and if you have a donation, you may bring it for show-and-tell.

We will still keep the time of 9:30am to 2:00pm.  From 9:30 to 10:00, we will have devotions, announcements, prayer requests and sharing of projects ready to be donated.  At 10:00, we will have our light breakfast.  Then feel free to fellowship and work on your favorite projects.  We are aiming for a more friendly, relaxed feel.  We will not have formal lessons, but if you want to know how to make something, please ask, we have so many talented ladies.  We will also have fleece squared-up and ready to fringe.

Let’s get together, have fellowship and fun, and serve Jesus!

Trinity Stitch!

In January, we had a wonderful Planning Meeting for Hand Crafting for Christ!  There was a lot of good input from members.  Thank you!  Here are two important suggestions that were agreed upon by the members:

1. Workshops need to be structured.  We will continue to meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:30am – 2pm.  Occasionally, scheduling at the church requires us to change the date.  For example, next month there is an event scheduled that requires us to change the meeting to March 5th.  So please note the change!

  • From 9:30 – 10am will be social time where we can visit with each other and gush over all the beautiful items our sisters have made.
  • At 10am we will have a devotional time with prayer.
  • At approximately 10:15 we will start our instructional time.

We’ve had a routine for our meetings, but we’re now making it ‘official’.

2. We will alternate between sewing/quilting Lessons and crochet/knitting Lessons each month. There are some who want to benefit from both classes and this way they can.  When one of us (Teresa or Kathy) is teaching, the other can be helping with ongoing projects you may need a little extra help with.

** Please note, you may bring any project to work on each month!

** In February, we will be having a Crochet Lesson, then in March a Quilting Lesson!

Crochet Lesson


Detail of Trinity Stitch

Trinity Stitch

In February’s crochet lesson, we are learning a new stitch – the Trinity Stitch.  This pattern stitch is easy to do.  We will be making the Ribbons Prayer Wrap for Riverview Hospital’s Oncology Unit.  Ribbons of color are visually appealing in this rectangular wrap.  It is fully reversible.  The texture of the trinity stitch enhances the colors you choose.  Be creative in selecting your main color. Choose a variegated yarn as the main color and four different colors to complement or contrast with it like the wrap in the picture.  Or, ribbons in two colors are striking, too!


Ribbons Prayer Wrap

What you need to bring:
* A total of 25-28 ounces of worsted weight (Group 4) yarn
* Size H/8 and size I/9 crochet hooks
* Large-eye blunt end yarn needle

 The Trinity Stitch works well for baby blankets and scarves as well!

March 5th

We will be ‘playing’ with Novelty fabric, and making “I-Spy” type quilts!  These will be delightful for babies and toddlers!  There will be several patterns available, for both beginners and more experienced quilters.  More details to come!

We Need Your Ideas!

We need your ideas!  At our January meeting, we will be brainstorming!  Where do we want this group to be?
We are not having a Lesson this month, but please do bring something to work on.  We are having a Pitch-In, and will chat over lunch, so bring whatever you love to make!  We will be meeting on January 9th, from 9:30am to 2:00pm.
We want to focus on projects that match the passions of the members of the group.  We’ll be reviewing and re-evaluating all of our projects, matching what our members enjoy making with the outreaches we will be supporting.  Some like bookmarks, some quilts & blankets, or hats & scarves, and still others have a passion for tote bags & pillowcases.  The social/fellowship aspect of this group is very important, as well as giving of ourselves to others, and we never want to lose sight of that.Bring ideas on new projects or outreaches for 2016.  Do you know of a need that is not being filled?  Is there a charity with a special or specific request?  Please bring any information you have to the meeting.   Maybe there is something you would like to make or learn how to make.   Bring a sample with you, or bring a picture (a picture paints a thousand words).The meeting will be fun and invigorating!  Look forward to seeing you there!

Pitch-in! How to Repair an Afghan!

Is it December already?!?  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Christmas is just a few weeks away!  Our trip to Wheeler Mission was wonderful!  Thank you to everyone who made Tote Bags (71), Pillowcases (107), and Bookmarks (58)!  The ladies were very excited to receive them, and loved the choices!

For our December Crafting Workshop, we are having a Pitch-in, so bring whatever you would like!  Hey, if we have all desserts, woo-hoo!  Wouldn’t that be fun?  Since I know everyone is very busy in December, we will meet from 9:30 am to around 12:30 pm, so you have time for shopping, etc., afterwards.  You’re welcome to stay until 2:00 if you would like to visit, work on something, etc.   Please bring your materials and supplies for what you will be working on.

Sewing & Crochet

We’re not having “Lessons” per se this month, although Teresa has a donated afghan that needs repair, and will be showing us the strategies for repairing one.

Otherwise, are you working on a “UFO”?  Have something that you ‘absolutely’ need to finish for Christmas?  Want to make a few more hats & scarves?  Finish a quilt or a shawl?  Bring it along with you!  We’re here to provide assistance, encouragement, materials, whatever you need!

We will break for our Pitch-in around 11:30, socialize a little, and share stories.

January, 2016 is right around the corner!!  We are having a Planning meeting, and are inviting everyone to bring your thoughts and ideas and join us, so we can all help to ‘grow’ our Ministry!  We welcome your input!

Some examples:
* new projects
* a Lesson you would like us to do
* new outreach idea
* how to spread the word about who we are and what we do
* do you have any other ideas?


Mountain Majesties & Crochet Stockinette!

OK, first, we have Baby Dedication coming up on November 8th!  If you are working on or almost finished with a baby blanket, please turn it in by putting it in the Donation Tote behind the Welcome Desk (which BTW still says HD Creative on it!).  Thank you for all the beautiful things you have made!

Next, we are planning on going to Wheeler Mission to distribute the tote bags, pillowcases and bookmarks in early December (date TBA).  We would love it if some of you would be able to join us; last year we had a wonderful time!  So we will need any tote bags, pillowcases and bookmarks to be turned in by Sunday, November 29th!

Starting later in December, we will be distributing hats & scarves to HDCC Food Pantry & local schools, and items to Riverview Hospital.

We have some new Lessons this month!  Come join us for our Crafting Workshop on Saturday, November 14th, from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm.  Bring your materials and supplies for your project, and bring your lunch!

Mountain MajestySewing

This month we are learning how to make a beautiful quilt called Mountain Majesties!  The pattern comes from Bonnie Hunter, (who loves to make quilts with scraps) and you can find it Here if you want to get a head start!  It looks complicated, but it’s not!  You start with large half square triangles (we learned this earlier in the year), but then cut them up and rearrange the pieces.  There’s also many ways to rearrange them to create many different patterns on your quilt, as you can see on the right!  You may use just a few fabrics, or use up scraps for a scrappy look.

** It’s important for there to be a good contrast between the medium/dark fabric and the light fabric, as that’s how the mountains will appear!  We have assorted fabric, including fat quarters.   Very few are light fabrics, so you may want to bring one or more light fabrics. Suggestions: white, off-white, cream, or light pastel in your choice of color.  The contrast is the key!!

Mountain Majesty 4What you need to bring for a scrappy quilt:
1. 9 coordinating fat quarters of medium/dark fabric, or enough fabric scraps to cut out 18  8.5″ squares
2. 9 coordinating fat quarters of light fabric, or enough fabric scraps to cut out 18  8.5″ squares
3. about 3/4 yard coordinating fabric for the borders
4. about 1.5 yards each of backing and batting
5. thread, scissors, rotary cutter, cutting mat
6. sewing machine

If you would like to make one of just 2 fabrics, bring 1 3/8 yards each of a medium/dark fabric, and a light fabric.  You could also have scrappy medium/dark fabric, and just one light fabric!


For the ‘crochet stockinette stitch‘, if you can make half-double crochets, you can do this stitch. This works up well in the round. In rows, for the best result, work each row on the right side and fasten off at the end.  You may need to go up one hook size larger than what you typically use with worsted weight yarn. If your stitches are too tight, the fabric will be stiff.

What you need to bring:
1.  Two different light colors of worsted weight (Group 4) yarn
2.  Size H/8, I/9, and J/10 crochet hooks
3.  Scissors
4.  Large-eye blunt yarn needle
5.  Pencil and paper for taking notes

Psalm 90:17

    May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.